2007 ACES Academy for Global Engagement Scholars Selected Eight scientists from the UI College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences have been selected to form the ACES Academy for Global Engagement class of 2007. The yearlong program encourages global awakening in areas of education, research and outreach. One member of each of the seven departments in the college and one UI Extension educator will represent the 2007 class. The academy involves a one-year commitment that focuses on global activities at the college, campus and national levels, and culminates in an international immersion trip. Each member of the academy is encouraged through the program by senior faculty mentors (called fellows) who have had scholarly experience on an international level. The scholars selected for the 2007 ACES Academy for Global Engagement:
- Vijay Singh, agricultural and biological engineering
- A. Bryan Endres, agricultural and consumer economics
- John Killefer, animal sciences
- Martin Bohn, crop sciences
- Graciela Padua, food science and human nutrition
- Neil Knobloch, human and community development
- Daniel Warnock, natural resources and environmental sciences
- George Czapar, UI Extension educator
“Last year was a yearlong experiment, taking the scholars through a program designed to infuse global awareness into all levels of their scholarship,” said Mary Ann Lila, ACES Global Connect director. “The experience acted as a catalyst behind new, collaborative multidisciplinary research projects between the scholars and their new international partners.” This year’s scholars will begin their program this month, meeting with campus international leaders, and will visit Washington, D.C., to gain exposure to funding agencies and resources that can assist with international activities in higher education. The academy will explore options for an interdisciplinary project theme, which will allow them to creatively work together at a selected international site, later this year.
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